(2022) hobbyist PORTFOLIO


(2022) Calculator Powered by the 6502 Microprocessor

I’ve made an overly complicated way to add to positive integers.


(2020) Sliding inverted Pendulum Outreach Display

I have designed and built a sliding inverted pendulum display for STEM outreach CLICK HERE to learn more!


(2020) CFD Code

I have implemented a Steger-Warming Flux Vector Splitting method in python to solve inviscid, compressible, Euler flow. CLICK HERE to learn more.


(2013-2017) Undergraduate Portfolio

(2014) PID Controlled Inverted Pendulum

Shown in the video is a closed loop control algorithm balancing an inverted pendulum.   The PID controller recognizes an imbalance and employs the wheels to torque the system back into equilibrium.  I designed, coded, and tested the device shown, CLICK HERE to learn more.


(2016) Composite Main Spar

I have designed, built, and tested the composite backbone, or main spar, for an SAE Aero Design competition advanced class plane.  My spar encompasses both theory from the classroom as well as real world test data from an iterative design process.  CLICK HERE to learn more.

(2014) Homemade FEA Code

The analysis shown here was done using a homemade FEA solver that I wrote in MATLAB.   The user specifies a structural frame, clamps to hold the frame, and the loads to be applied .  Running the code then calculates the resulting stresses and strains in each beam and plots the deformed structure.

(2014) Hovercraft With Yaw Controller

This is a remote control hovercraft from a class project.  The vehicle is controlled by a pilot with computer augmented stability.  I designed the composite shell as well as the closed loop control used to assist the pilot.  CLICK HERE to learn more.

(2017) Active Roll Control on a Transonic Rocket

Pictured here is a CAD rendering of a transonic rocket carrying control logic and hardware of my own design. Specifically, a canard actuating module and control algorithms designed to maintain a constant roll angle during flight. CLICK HERE to learn more